Becoming The Bull

by Atreyu

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 6:25 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Lead Sails And A Paper Anchor

Song Author

Alex Varkatzas, Brandon Sellar and Marc Mcknight

Tabbed by



1st → Dan Jacobs
2nd → Marc Mcknight
3rd → Travis Miguel
4th → Studio Strings
5th → Bradon Sellar
6th → Studio FX
7th → Studio FX
8th → Grand Piano

File Size

84 KB




come on!!! Grab the bull by the horns the old addage goes. nobody tells you where to go from there. I see whats greatful in you. Decisions have to be made. The worse part is the hardest earned. Back and forth the struggle consumes us all. Trying to keep a level head. In the most unseteling of times. Today I'll become the bull. There is so much at steak. I'll stumble I'll losse my place. Crowded in while surruonded by sin. Destany takes its hold. Find it or let it go. But I choose how it ends we'll end. chorus This small heart can get lonely. I lose myself inside myself. No one can tuch you when you're outside staring in. Remove myself from this pride race. chours today I'll become the bull

